President’s Message
These are interesting times. SOG members enjoyed our Diamond Jubilee celebrations and our next chapter begins with our 61st season. We remain vital but must accept changes in our methods of communication and outreach. Like many of you, I like paper copies of our Directory and L’Aria but any day without computer assistance is tiresome and tedious. We can get more done with 21st century technology. Communication, or lack of it, often impedes our good intentions. It is my hope that we will keep our lines of communication open and clear, within our Guild and between ourselves and Seattle Opera, with an accent on positive steps we may all take towards our continued success. Please be a part of this communication. It is important that our Board and Executive Committee know what you think and what you want. Many of you have provided me with ideas and inspiration over the years. Never more than now, we are “in this together.” In the coming months we hope to have an improved website and will continue our popular Facebook postings. Thank you for renewing your membership!
—Gayle Charlesworth