President’s Message
The snow has gone and we have discovered crocus and pussy willow in our gardens. Spring brings life reborn, and so it is with our Guild. We have the beautiful new Opera Center for our Board meetings and special events, and new members in our preview groups, including Parties & Previews, Magnolia Queen Anne and Amici. This is so important to us as an organization—welcome to all of you! Our Opera Previews have been outstanding for Il Trovatore and The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs. How exciting it was to see the Grammy award-winning composer Mason Bates and librettist Mark Campbell here at Seattle Opera, and to learn about the continued evolution of their fantastic new work. We are very fortunate in Seattle to have more operatic events than we can possibly attend—we are truly spoiled with choices! Have a fabulous Spring and plan to attend and support our upcoming SOG events!
—Gayle Charlesworth