Category: Newsletter


Newsletter Volume 73, Issue 1

Happy New Year to all Seattle Opera Guild members! We are halfway through our 67th fiscal year. Thanks to your generosity, we continue to support local performers by giving them opportunities to perform in front of a live audience.


Newsletter Volume 71, Issue 2

Let me begin by expressing my gratitude for the outpouring of support from across the Seattle Opera Guild (SOG) membership to bring us out from the depths of the pandemic.


Newsletter Volume 72, Issue 1

Greetings from your outgoing President! I am thrilled that Marilyn Leck, former Guild President from 1999-2000, has volunteered to serve as the Interim Guild President from January 1-June 30, 2023.


Newsletter Volume 70, Issue 2

SOG is at an exciting pivot point, faced with both challenges and opportunities. We’ve taken advantage of the COVID-enforced lull in our activities to revise our bylaws.


Newsletter – Volume 69, Issue 4

President’s Message Our Board of Directors of the Seattle Opera Guild is making great strides, using the concept of synergy. Synergy is a concept borrowed from physics, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Applied to group efforts, it means that if we pull together and work toward common goals, we...


Newsletter – Volume 69, Issue 3

President’s Message We in the Seattle Opera Guild are so lucky to have an organization in which to share our love of music. I don’t know when I’ve appreciated music so much as during this last year. Recently, we attended an online memorial service for a dear friend, John Shevlin. He and his wife Carolee...


Newsletter – Volume 69, Issue 2

President’s Message The question continues, “Where do we go from here?” Our mission stays the same, despite the pandemic: The Seattle Opera Guild, a non-profit organization, continues our commitment to supporting Seattle Opera, funding vocal scholarships, and providing opera education for all age groups to ensure future opera audiences. I hope many of you subscribers...


Newsletter – Volume 68, Issue 4

President’s Message: Founded in 1970 after a meeting convened in Seattle by Glynn Ross, Seattle Opera’s first General Director, OPERA America is a service organization that promotes operatic productions, audience development and education. Seattle Opera was a charter member of OPERAAmerica; after several years, volunteers from U.S. operas organized as Opera Volunteers International (OVI). Guess...


Newsletter – Volume 68, Issue 3

President’s Message The holidays are upon us! This time of the year we take stock and renew our energies for the year ahead. Seattle Opera Guild will celebrate its 63rd anniversary and enjoy a fabulous year of opera previews and special events. Opera America will celebrate its 50th year and hold its annual meeting here...

Seattle Opera Guild