Newsletter – Volume 68, Issue 4


President’s Message:

Founded in 1970 after a meeting convened in Seattle by Glynn Ross, Seattle Opera’s first General Director, OPERA America is a service organization that promotes operatic productions, audience development and education. Seattle Opera was a charter member of OPERAAmerica; after several years, volunteers from U.S. operas organized as Opera Volunteers International (OVI). Guess who started that? The president of Seattle Opera Guild! Next month Seattle Opera will host 750 opera professionals at the annual joint conference of the two organizations. You will be inspired to learn what other opera groups are accomplishing across the country. OVI grants promote creativity and innovation; as example, SOG benefitted from an OVI Award in 2017 to create our new website. The OVI Awards Luncheon is May 15 (12:30-2pm) at the Chihuly Garden and Glass–as SOG members, you will be invited. SOG will need volunteers for flower arranging and check-in for the OVI Merit Award Presentation on May 14 (4:15-5:15pm). Learn more/register for the conference at:

—Gayle Charlesworth

Seattle Opera Guild