Newsletter – Volume 69, Issue 4


President’s Message

Our Board of Directors of the Seattle Opera Guild is making great strides, using the concept of synergy.

Synergy is a concept borrowed from physics, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Applied to group efforts, it means that if we pull together and work toward common goals, we will have a greater outcome, get far more done, and have more fun than if we each go into our separate corners and work as hard as we can individually. It requires understanding what the common goals are and being committed to working on them together. Our Board of Directors has used this approach very effectively. We enjoy working together, visiting with each other, problem-solving and helping with joint events. I am so thankful for their energy, ideas and ability to clear hurdles and follow through. It’s worth mentioning that we have four Past Presidents on our Board: Gayle Charlesworth, Marilyn Leck, Florence Rose-Thompson, and Christine Szabadi. (How many Boards can say that?)

The Guild has brought you the following innovations and updates since June, 2021:
Our new Membership Directory, sent out to all members in mid-June, was designed and assembled by Roberta Lyon, Trustee, and her committee over the past winter months. As Guild members, you all have received copies. We encourage all of you to renew your membership, if you haven’t already. As Gayle Charlesworth, our VP of Membership has stated, “You are included in the enclosed directory even if your dues are not current. The board made this decision in order to give you time to catch up…the SOG depends on your membership for funding.” (Only Guild members may have a copy of the Directory, for security reasons.)

In a further effort to encourage membership, Roberta Lyon has redesigned our Seattle Opera Guild brochure, which was mailed out to all members in mid-July. You all should have a copy. (We have lots of extras if you need one.) One member shared that she found the photographs in the brochure so inviting to Guild events, that she decided to renew her membership!

In the brochure, there are five photos showing Guild Preview activities, often given in private homes, where Guild members and their guests can watch a preview, sung by two singers, with piano accompaniment, followed by refreshments and appetizers or a full buffet. This personal touch makes learning about an opera very pleasant and easy, so that when you see the SO performance, you will have a firmer understanding of the story and music. Preview Groups are the essence of the Guild: Allegro, Amici Dell’Opera, Bellini, Vivace, Magnolia/Queen Anne, Mercer Island, Parties and Previews, and “At Large.” Each group has its own board and activities. Members are free to choose the preview group of their choice. Feel free to contact any Board member for further information. We want you and your friends to join in.

Our new website came online on the Fourth of July!

I encourage you to spend some time with it. This was built by Josh DeLacy, a web designer ( who has maintained our past website. Josh will update the website with photos and information as they come in, so that it is always current! (Judi Kalitzki, our VP of Communications, coordinates what goes onto the website.) You will find links to: Join Us, Donate, About Us (What We Do), Membership Application, Events, News, Issues of L’Aria, and applications for our Singers Development Awards. You will also see many photos of young singers whom we want to encourage! We do this for them!

The Singers’ Development Fund is the pride and joy of the Seattle Opera Guild. Christine Szabadi, our VP of Education, is our very capable Director and arranges all of our singing events. We hold annual auditions, which this year will be held on Thursday, September 16 in the Tagney Jones Hall at the Seattle Opera Center. Last year we had 8 contestants. The prizes range from first place $3,000, second place $2,000, third place $1,000, and Encouragement Awards of $500. (In this way, virtually all contestants receive a financial award.) The Singers’ Development Fund is consistent with one of our primary missions: to provide funds for vocal scholarships. In-person attendance will likely be possible; more information will be forthcoming as we get closer to the event.

If I weren’t having so much fun as President, I would surely feel discouraged, just like everyone else in support groups for performing arts organizations right now. But we are persevering, even excelling, due to the remarkable talents of our Board, the loyalty of our members, and by following the principle of synergy!

—Suzy Mygatt Wakefield

Seattle Opera Guild