Newsletter – Volume 66, Issue 3


President’s Message

If wishes were nickels… today that would be a fiver, or five hundred, depending on the person. The best of intentions got us where we are today, still going with seven preview groups after sixty years. We must walk into our future with more nickels. What we do requires lots of them. Supporting Opera and Young Singers is the reason we are here. These are not easy times, but we have much for which to be thankful. Our wishes must continue to be realities. As we begin the holiday season and come to the end of the year, we look forward to a vibrant and collaborative Seattle Opera Guild. One where all members understand that there is much to be done, with many to help. These words mean to me that I still have a healthy smile on my face and am willing to work with all people who share our goals. I am thankful for members who feel the same and for their communications over the past few months. Have a wonderful wrap-up of the present year and a great kick-off to the next one. Please stay with us and invite your friends to join our organization!

—Gayle Charlesworth

Seattle Opera Guild